
PMR311 Industrial Pressure Transmitter

PMR311 Industrial Pressure Transmitter

PMR311 industrial pressure transmitter is a standard and
most popular transmitter applied in air and liquid pressure measuring. A
high sensitivity silicon pressure chip is employed in the sensor. The
most important specification for industry application is long term


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PMR311 pressure transmitter is designed for industry
application with perfect long term stability.
Power Supply:12VDC~36VDC(24VDC standard)
Output Signal:4~20mA、1~5V、0~10mA、0~20mA、0~5V
Measuring Range:0~1kPa...3.5MPa
Compensated Temperature Range:0~50℃
Media temperature:-20~85℃
Ambient Temperature:-20~85℃
Combined Error:0.1%FS、0.3%FS、0.5%FS
Pressure range -0.1MPa…0~20kPa…100MPa
Overpressure 1.5 times FS or 110MPa (min.value is valid)
Power supply 1.5mADC
Signal ≥70mVDC(0~20kPa,≥50mVDC)
Accuracy ±0.1%FS(min.) ±0.25%FS(typ.) ±0.5%FS(max.)
Long-term stability ±0.3%FS/year
Compensation temp. 0℃~50℃
Operation temp. -10℃~80℃
Storage temp. -40℃~100℃
Zero temp. coefficient ±0.02%FS/℃(typ.) ±0.04%FS/℃(max.)
FS temp. coefficient ±0.02%FS/℃(typ.) ±0.04%FS/℃(max.)
Housing Stainless steel 1Cr18Ni9Ti
Diaphragm Stainless steel 316L
O-ring Viton
Cable Polythene
Response time(10%~90%) ≤1ms
Insulation resistance 100MΩ,100VDC
Production IP65(cable connection)

Order Note:
1. We can also provide the user with voltage power supply product, the power supply is more than 9V; please note it when you select option codes;
2. When the user install flush diaphragm product at local place, please pay attention to correct sealing method to prevent the stress affecting product stability; 


南京冉控科技有限公司 版權(quán)所有 蘇ICP備18060422號-1 Address:Nanjing Qixia Maqun Science Park

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