
Differential pressure densitometerRK080

Differential pressure densitometerRK080

Differential pressure densitometer
The precision of stability, easy to install, install and use, less maintenance


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  RK-080 based on microprocessor electronic switching device, signal processing, calculation and diagnosis function in a body. 

Besides with convincing accuracy of measurement and reliability. It can direct communicate with PC through RS485 or Hart interface, 

under the software environment for professional users, the user can direct set the online node configuration, fault diagnosis and data records. 

When measuring density and temperature, it also can calculate the basic density.°API, brix and concentration ratio, mass ratio, volume fraction and so on.


南京冉控科技有限公司 版權(quán)所有 蘇ICP備18060422號-1 Address:Nanjing Qixia Maqun Science Park

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