
Rotating Torque Sensort40B

Rotating Torque Sensort40B

Full Scale Range from 20 to 70 N.m and 80 to 200kN.m


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They are used in general combustion engine, electric motor and gearbox test benches; and can also be mounted inline for active torque monitoring 

of transmissions, powertrains, wind generators, gas turbines, boat engines, etcRK-064BB Interface RS232/USB (optional) RS232 RS485 CAN或USB接口(可選)

Electrical specification

Hysteresis:< ± 0,1% of full scale
Repeatability span at  :< ± 0,1% of full scale
Rated temperature range:  0 ... 65°C
Temperature influence on zero: < 0,03% / K of full scale
Operating temperature range:-20°C ... +80°C
Accessories  (to be ordered separately) :
Connecting    , length 3 m


南京冉控科技有限公司 版權(quán)所有 蘇ICP備18060422號-1 Address:Nanjing Qixia Maqun Science Park

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