
  RanKong Technology Ltd., Co.,
 Located in NanJing,RanKong Advanced Sensor Technology, Inc. is a leading China manufacturer and supplier of advanced Load Cells,Force Sensors, Torque Sensors, Pressure Sensors, Signal Conditioners, Digital Displays and Portable Sensor Verification / Calibration Systems utilizing Strain Gauge and thin film technology. Torque Sensors, Pressure Sensors, Instruments and Accessories.RanKong has presented Sensor Solutions to global industries such as the Manufacturing, Automotive, Medical, and Aerospace. RanKong has demonstrated steady growth and built a solid reputation as a “Sensor Solution Company” in China and overseas markets.

南京冉控科技有限公司 版權(quán)所有 蘇ICP備18060422號-1 Address:Nanjing Qixia Maqun Science Park

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